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International Teaching

The experience

The decision to pursue international teaching is a big step and it is not for everyone. It requires you to make the decision to move out of your comfort zone, away from family and friends, and most of the time away from the culture in which you have grown up and spent your entire life.

At the same time, all of these things can be equally rewarding. The level of professional development that you will experience, the lessons that you will learn, the cultural aspects that you will be exposed to, the new friends that you will meet can be significantly more rewarding than what you could experience back home.

International teaching is a great way to challenge yourself to see what you are capable of on a professional and personal level. It can be a great way to find out what you don’t know about the world. It can be an excellent adventure for your children who will get a private school education, learn about other cultures and possibly learn to speak other languages.

The things that many people are surprised by when they begin international teaching are the standard of living they are now able to afford, the high quality of the well-equipped schools that they are able to work in, the appreciation from the students which they are serving, the culture shock phase that they will go through even in some of the most comfortable countries, and the people that they will encounter and re-encounter on their trip around the globe.

While there are also set backs such as not being able to participate in certain things because of the language barrier, the feeling of being homesick, the helplessness of being far away from events happening back home, it is a balance.

Most importantly you will understand what it means to be a global citizen. You will never look at the world the same way again. You will realize that no place is unreachable. You will pay attention to the goings-on in countries that your friends back home cannot even point to on the map. Even though the world is a very large place, through international teaching you will come to understand how we are all connected through the human experience. In the end, it is for you to decide if this experience is for you. Webber’s Ed – Teacher Talent is here to help you on your next step of the journey.

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With the rising competition for qualified teachers, there is simply no substitute for a real person able to answer questions, and to talk knowledgeably not only about your school, but also your city, country, and region.

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