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About the educators that we recruit

For years Webber’s Ed has been pursuing a grass-roots campaign, personally visiting universities, professional development conferences, hiring fairs in the USA and Latin America as well as reaching out through social media to our own personal contacts on the international teaching circuit around the globe to find education professionals specifically interested in working in Latin America. Whenever possible we have face-to face meetings and teacher get-togethers to discuss the benefits as well as the challenges to working in Latin America. We feel that the best way to retain quality teachers is to give them a fair and balanced perspective of what it is like to live and work in Latin America based upon our own personal experiences as well as the experiences of our network around the countries we serve.

Webber’s Ed - Teacher Talent seeks to attract teachers that:

  1. ... possess a degree in related field to which they are seeking a position.
  2. ... are certified in their home state or country by an accredited institution.
  3. ... and have acquired at least 2 years of experience.
– ideally.

However, we are careful not to overlook the fact that there are qualified teachers out there that may be lacking in one of the three areas mentioned above. This is where our personalized service and knowledge of our talent pool, including confidential reference checks, helps us to hand pick candidates who may be deficient in one area but still perfectly competent and qualified to manage a dynamic and productive classroom. We understand that some schools have room for flexibility and Webber’s Ed – Teacher Talent hopes to cater to those schools as well.

Get in touch with us

You can request a Webber's Ed- Teacher Talent year-round membership package. Webber's Ed- Teacher Talent offers a variety of packages for schools small and large and to cover a variety of staffing needs.
contact us
With the rising competition for qualified teachers, there is simply no substitute for a real person able to answer questions, and to talk knowledgeably not only about your school, but also your city, country, and region.

© 2018 Webber’s Ed Teacher Talent.