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Intl School Recruitment


Why aren't we hiring and training teachers from developing countries more frequently?


Happy to see so many recruitment (and retention) posts on LinkedIn this morning. However, there is another topic related to this that I have been mulling over in my mind that I would like to see discussed.

If there really is a teacher shortage, and I do believe that there is, at least among working teachers who have not left the field, then why are we not taking this idea of "supporting and training" one step further. As a recruiter I receive hundreds of registrations and applications from teachers from non-Anglo countries and we do our best to put them forward if they have the expected credentials, in hopes that they can get the job. Fortunately, some of our schools are willing to take the chance on these teachers and do hire them, usually with good results. Admittedly, there are star teachers all over the world. However, the other point that I hear from the decision makers (I am summarizing what I think I am hearing) is that these teachers come from developing countries that do not have strong education systems, therefore they have not been properly trained.

O.k. but if that is the case and there really is a teacher shortage that does not look like it is going to get better any time soon, as well as the fact that there is also significant declining birth rate in most of these developed, westernized, Anglo countries, then what are we waiting for? We need to start hiring and training these teachers immediately! It seems that it is inevitable that this is the route that we need to take if we are serious about education and finding ways to stem the teacher shortage. Not only that, but consider the knock on effect that international education could have in developing countries around the world when these teachers go back to their home countries and take all of that training with them. This not only supports education in their country of origin but it also supports the ability to create more and better international teachers going forward. So WHY aren't we doing this??

If you think I have missed something or I am just flat out wrong, then let's hear it. I am also a Debate coach. I can take it! Thanks to everyone out there thinking and talking about recruitment.

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