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Intl School Recruitment


Why aren't we hiring and training teachers from developing countries more frequently?

We often hear administrators in international schools say that they cannot hire teachers from non-Anglo, developing countries because they do not have the proper training to work in an international school. Let's assume for the moment that this is true. Then why aren't we hiring and training them? [more]

Job Hunting in Times of CRISIS!

In times of crisis people tend to panic, which is one of the worst things you can do in a crisis. The best way to avoid panicking is to have a plan. This blog post will give you an idea of what to expect in the coming months and multiple solutions for job hunting in the international market. [more]

The Early Bird Catches the Worm!

It does seem that in most of the recent years that the international teaching market is getting more and more competitive and one must wonder if there is one more advantage to recruitment that I have not exhausted yet...THERE IS! [more]

Keep Calm and Get Hired!

There is something insane about giving up your job before you have your next job but hey that is part of the wild and crazy world of international teaching! Don't stress, there are always going to be jobs out there. However, here is a strategy that you may not have thought about. [more]

Personalized Recruitment and Placement in Latin America

Sign up to receive assistance from professional international educators to find your dream job in Latin America.
With the rising competition for qualified teachers, there is simply no substitute for a real person able to answer questions, and to talk knowledgeably not only about your school, but also your city, country, and region.

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